Wigan and Leigh Archives Online

Joseph Calderbank - RE


Forename Joseph
Surname Calderbank - RE
Middle Name
Memorial UpHolland Cenotaph
Age 36
Address 32 School Lane, UpHolland (Wife)
Parents' Address
Township Wigan
Rank Corporal
Occupation or place of work Road Foreman Upholland Urban District Council
Regiment Royal Engineers 309th Road Construction Co
Day of Death 8
Month of Death October
Year of Death 1917
Cause of Death Killed by shell bursts
Place of Burial Canada Farm Cemetery, Elverdinge
Regiment Number 225684
Name of War First World War
Additional Information Husband of Edith.
Mentioned in dispatches and awarded MM.
Widow received gold medal for him posthumously from council. WE 19/2/14 - received bar to to MM
Ref: CWGC, Ancestry and UpHolland research