Wigan and Leigh Archives Online

Arnold Baxter


Forename Arnold
Surname Baxter
Middle Name
Memorial Memorial plaque at Pemberton Conservative Club and UpHolland Grammar School
Age 28
Address Parliament St, UpHolland
Parents' Address as above
Township Upholland
Rank Private
Occupation or place of work Assisting in grocery family business
Regiment Coldstream Guards 1st Batt
Day of Death 25
Month of Death January
Year of Death 1915
Cause of Death Killed at La Bussen
Place of Burial Le Touret Memorial
Regiment Number 11390
Name of War First World War
Additional Information Son of James and Elizabeth.
1 of 12 children
UpHolland men on active service WO 23/10/15

CWGC, Ancestry and WO 6/1/15