Wigan and Leigh Archives Online

Sydney Mather


Forename Sydney
Surname Mather
Middle Name
Memorial Wigan and UpHolland Cenotaphs
Age 23
Address 105 Darlington Street East, Wigan
Parents' Address as above
Township Wigan
Rank Private
Occupation or place of work Employed by J. & G. Rushton Ltd.
Regiment South Staffordshire Regiment 8th Batt
Day of Death 16
Month of Death May
Year of Death 1917
Cause of Death Killed in action in France
Place of Burial Browns Copse Cemetery, Roeux, Pas de Calais
Regiment Number 32270
Name of War First World War
Additional Information Formerly 32821 Manchester Regiment.
Son of James and Mary Ann.
Is also on the Roll of Honour at St Luke's Church, Orrell.

Ref; CWGC, Ancestry, UpHolland research and WE 23/6/17