Wigan and Leigh Archives Online

Joseph Cavey


Forename Joseph
Surname Cavey
Middle Name
Memorial Wigan Cenotaph
Age 30
Address Ruskin House, Widdrington Road, Monument Park, Wigan
Parents' Address as above
Township Wigan
Rank Private
Occupation or place of work Pavior, employed by Wigan Corporation
Regiment Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 5th Batt
Day of Death 6
Month of Death February
Year of Death 1918
Cause of Death Died of wounds received in Palestine
Place of Burial Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
Regiment Number 31089
Name of War First World War
Additional Information Son of James And Mary
Enlisted Dec 1914
Father was a councillor

CWGC, Ancestry, WO 16/2/18